tweaking shiny actionButton

The default behavior in shiny::actionButton() is to open a web link in the current window. This approach has two potential implications for user-experience:

  1. The current progress within the shiny app will be lost; clicking 🔙 on your browser will reload the app 😭
  2. This can (independent of #1) inadvertently divert users away from your app 🏃️💨

⬇️⬇️⬇️ See for yourself ⬇️⬇️⬇️

So what can we do?

✖️ Do nothing. Leave it as is and let all the hard work you put into the app be overshadowed by the site your are linking to.

✔️ Make the link open in a new tab or window.

✔️ Force the link to open in a new window.

The distinction between the two latter choices boils down to a users default browser settings. If you use Chrome like me, opening a link (designed to open in a tab or new window) defaults to opening it in a new tab. For you, it might open in a new window. Who knows? 🎱

If you really need the link to open in a separate window, luckily with a little elbow grease we can make that a sure thing.🎯 We just need to explicitly specify the window height and width. You can also pass fullscreen=1 to make the new window, well, full screen. See the code snippet below.

⚠️Opening links in a new window may result in getting dinged by an ad-blocker. This is because the so-called new window is more of a pop-up rather than it being a truly new window (i.e. CTRL + N).

Thank you iqis for pointing out that! 👽️

Below, I have three buttons and their corresponding code you might use in a shiny app. It’s pretty straight forward so I’ll end with saying keep user-experience front and center in your design! ✌🍻

# Default - current
                    'Current Window',
                    onclick ="location.href='';")

# New tab or window  
                    'New Window or Tab', 
                    onclick ="'', '_blank')")

# New window
                    'New Window', 
                    onclick ="'', '_blank','width=800,height=800')")


Matthew Kumar
Matthew Kumar
Associate Director, Lead Computational Scientist