GHA and Shiny

A sample shiny app

This was a fun 🤓 experiment to build the intuition of using Github Actions (GHA) to automate “things”. In this case, I use GHA to auto-deploy a shiny app to my personal account.

In a nutshell, it works like this:

  • Everytime a push is made to the master branch of this repo, a github action script is triggered 🏃🏃🏻🏃🏼 💨
  • The set of GHAs is specified using a yaml file, here ~/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml
  • In the yaml file, you provide explicit instructions to build your app from the ground up. This includes everything from first installing R, R packages to deployment to via the {rsconnect} package.🔀🔁
  • One the GHAs are finished, the app is made available at the destination. ✅

Pretty neat!


In order to test whether GHA was working, the sample app I created is a super-simple dashboard 📈📉📊 that takes a single reactive: the date and time of deployment ⏰. There are other, more informative ways to monitor their progress and I will be covering this and more in depth in my Quarto use-case write up 💬. Stay tuned!

For now, I want to make this available as it reflects a recent learning and a pattern I can see myself reusing in the future. Many thanks to the following people + resources 💪💪💪

Till next time, 🍻!

Matthew Kumar
Matthew Kumar
Associate Director, Lead Computational Scientist
